SNMVIM’s Industry Integrated MBA offers a broader scope for management graduates to learn contemporary management practices from industry experts. The program provides amble opportunities to network with industry experts and to learn management with practical relevance. The program aims at bringing behavioural and professional transformation among the management graduates through industry integration and to develop them with character and competence to take up challenging roles in corporate or to become an entrepreneur and to deliver value to the society at large.
Highlights of Industry integrated MBA at SNMVIM
- Industry immersion
- Student Mentoring by industry experts and alumni
- Subject / concept based industry visits
- Domain mentoring by industry experts
- Electives taught by industry experts
- Membership in professional bodies
- Practical learning
- Interaction with industry experts
Behavioural and Professional Transformation
- Domain Expertise
- Industry Readiness.
- Managerial Excellence
- Entrepreneurial Spirit
- Ethical Leadership

SNMVIM employs its unique ‘Practice Oriented Learning Methodology’
- Learning by doing – Practical Learning
- Concept based industry visits
- Individual / group exercises and presentations
- Simulation games / Role plays
- Case Studies
- Debates / Discussions, Quiz and Business games
- Academic and Industry experts’ interactions
SNMV Institute of Management follows the curriculum as prescribed by the University as it amongst the institutes which are affiliated to the Bharathiar University of Coimbatore. The curriculum framed is based on Choice Based Credit System [CBCS] and it mandates all the students to go for the compulsory dual specialization in the final year of their MBA Programme. The curriculum prescribes a compulsory 2 month internship in companies.
- Marketing
- Human Resources Management
- Finance
- Systems
- Production
- Health Care
- General
- Logistics and Shipping Management
Core Faculty
Dr. K.Muthukumar | MBA., M.Phil., UGC-NET., FDPM (IIM-A)., Ph.D DIRECTOR, SNMV IM |
Mr. k.MuthuKannan | MBA., M.Phil.,,(Psychology)., M.BA(Finance & Marketing)., M.BA(HR)., HOD(i/c)., SNMV IM |
Mrs. M.Sathya | M.B.A., M.Phil; Assistant Professor |
Mr.Sunil Pradeep S | B.E., MBA., UGC NET., Assistant Professor |
Ms.Aswini Bharathi R | MBA., UGC – NET., Assistant Professor |
Mrs. J.Shanthini | MBA., Assistant Professor |